New year, new look
You may have noticed a few changes around here.
After years of neglect, I decided it was time for me to sort out my author website again. I’d left it to languish. And after getting back onto social media again, I decided to give it a bit of a spit and polish.
So here it is. And it looks pretty good, if I do say so myself.
There’s still a few issues with some of the images in the galleries. The originals are in a storage unit in Australia, so I’ve had to use versions from the bad old days of the web when bandwidth was minimal and an image’s resolution had to be too. As soon as I can rescan them they’ll be replaced.
I’ve chosen the pic above to be the unifying image across all my social media (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram) and the website too.
It’s Bodnath Stupa in Kathmandu, one of my favourite places in the world in one of my favourite cities in the world.
To me, Bodnath Stupa encapsulates everything that I love about travel. It’s exotic and otherworldly, arresting and a little bit strange and so totally out of the realms of my everyday life.
Kind of what I hope this web site will be like.