The travel guide for when you’ve really lost it

No Shitting In The Toilet was my first book and my foot in the door, so to speak.

It was designed to be a cheeky riposte to the glossy representation of travel by revelling in all that is hard about travel and celebrating the fact that the worst experiences nearly always end up being the best.

NSITT actually started life as a website, named after a sign I saw on the door of the toilet in Jack’s Cafe in Dali, China. It was hosted on the free 1MB of space that came with my dial-up account.

That’s a picture of the actual sign below. The toilet was of the ‘hole-in-the-ground’ variety and just in case you didn’t get the message, Jack had put a fine mesh over the hole.

To me the sign summed up everything I love about travel. It is unexpected and illogical and that is what makes it exhilarating.

Nor should it be taken so seriously. Hence, the advice in No Shitting in the Toilet is very much tongue-in-cheek.

Yet it could be the best advice you’ll ever get.

“Moore has a parched dry wit, the solid brass cojones of a true traveller and a rare eye for the madness of the wider world”

John Birmingham

NSITT – The podcast

The NSITT philosophy gets a 21st Century make-over as a new podcast, presented by me and a slew of ‘expert’ guests.

Following the formula that you loved in both the original website and the book, NSITT, the podcast, will focus on a different travel topic each week, viewed through the perverse lens of travel as it really is.

NSITT, the podcast, is not just about me.

I want to hear your stories too. Head over to the NSITT dedicated website, and the ‘Tell us Your Tale‘ page in particular, to tell me your story about any of the upcoming topics listed.

To borrow a hashtag, there are definitely #nofilters here.