The sunny parts of Italy on a bright orange Vespa

A limencello-fuelled blast through Sicily, Sardinia and the Amalfi Coast on a Vespa the same shade of orange as Donatella Versace.

Welcome to the highly anticipated sequel to Vroom With A View – a ride through the sunny parts of Italy on a bright orange 1972 Rally 200 christened Marcello, after legendary Italian actor Marcello Mastroianni.

Marcello was the perfect Vespa for a final ride before fatherhood.

He was bright and brash and made every other Vespa on the road look dull. Even when he was on his stand, Marcello had hairy-chested swagger.

Like Sophia in Vroom With A ViewItalians loved him, showing me a side of their country tourists rarely see. His mere presence elicited free beers from barmen, swoons from young women and beeps and whistles from other drivers.

Thanks to Marcello,  this most Italian of machines, I was able to experience the true heart of this fascinating and fun-loving country.

Marcello in Technicolor (Peter Moore)

Fast, fun and full of brio … just like Marcello

Sydney Morning Herald
Sicilian road block (Peter Moore)

Start your journey now

Vroom By The Sea by Peter Moore

Here’s some great news. Vroom By The Sea is available as an eBook on Amazon right now. You’re just a click or two away from the tutti-fruiti good times of riding a bright orange Vespa through the sunny parts of Italy. Ciao bella!

Amazon UK | Amazon Australia | Amazon USA | Apple Worldwide

Photos from the trip

Please forgive the poor quality of the images in this gallery. The originals are in a storage unit in Australia, so I’ve had to use images from when the web was slow and high resolution was a curse rather than a blessing. I plan to visit my storage unit some time this year. When I do, rest assured, the image quality will improve dramatically.