And it’s a tradition I’m keen to continue with the No Shitting in the Toilet podcast.

Each episode I’ll read out the best, funniest and/or most horrifying stories you send me. Simply check out the list of upcoming episodes and email me your tale.

Try and keep your story concise and to the point for the best chance to get it read out on air.

Beaches | Tell me your favourite beach and why

Tuk-Tuks | Tell me your scariest/deadliest/funniest story about using these three-wheel death traps. Auto Rickshaw stories happily accepted too.

Guide Books | Tell me the times a guide book has let you down … or shown you the best time of your life

Other modes of transport | What are the weirdest things you had to use to get from Point A to Point B in your travels?

The Kindness of Strangers | Tell me about the unexpected hospitality, generosity or help you received in your travels.

Train journeys | Tell me the worst/best/most memorable rail journeys you have made.