A pretty good chat about travel and Vespas on Overcrest
I’m always happy to chat about my travels.
Equally so about Vespas.
So when the guys from the Overcrest podcast got in touch to talk travel and Vespas I was as happy as a pig in mud.
It was a wide ranging discussion that bounced from the Big Nambas in Vanuatu to the Backpacker Car Market in Sydney.
There was much talk about Sophia and Marcello – my Vespas in Italy.
And I came this close to talking one of the hosts, Kris Clewell, into going to Iran.
The podcast is live now if you want to have a listen. It’s called ‘How to be incredible at travelling (even without a Vespa)’.
A big thanks to both Kris and Jake for having me on.
More information
Episode: ‘How to be incredible at travelling’
Official website: overcrestproductions.com
Start the journey now
Here’s some great news! Vroom With A View is available as an eBook on Amazon right now. You’re just a click or two away from riding through the sepia-hued tones of Tuscany with Sophia. Ciao bella!